Saturday, March 21, 2009

Primer Cumpleaños en Honduras!

(Written March 14th)

Buenas! Well yesterday was my first birthday in Honduras and it was so wonderful! The day started as any other, bright and early at 5am to take my bucket bath and walk to catch the bus at 6:30am. But right away everyone went out of their way to make my day special! The other volunteers bought me presents like cup cakes and candy and a charge card for my cell phone as well as made me cards!! Then later at lunch they brought out a cake all lit with candles that had my name on it and sang to me! I was really not expecting anything because another volunteer named Katie had her 23rd b-day on the 12th and we had an ice cream cake for her so I really thought there would be no way we would have cake two days in a row but I am glad we did! For the rest of the day all the Peace Corps directors and trainers kept hugging me and wishing me Feliz Cumpleaños! THEN… my little community threw me a surprise party!!! I was so shocked that I almost cried! Apparently they had been planning it all week and I had no idea! They tricked me by telling me that we were all getting together to practice Spanish so I just went along with the plan and followed Matt first to his house and then to Theresa’s. Although there were a million clues, like my missing little sister, Maune hanging out in our neighborhood, no dinner, two volunteers “studying” at theresa’s, and Sonia’s dark house but, I was clueless as usual! When I walked into the house, the whole place was dark and everyone yelled surprise and started snapping pictures of my shocked expression. The entire room was decorated with balloons and streamers and a huge sign (they even made sure that they were my favorite colors!) It was so cute! Plus we had tons of yummy food like pizza, chips and guac and salsa, spiked punch, and a cake compliments of Gloria, Sonia, and the volunteers! As it turns out, two cakes in one day make me a very happy girl! I really felt so loved! It was so wonderful to celebrate with new friends and to feel like I am making a place for myself here. And although I missed celebrating with everyone at home, all the phone calls, cards hidden in my bags and messages made me feel so loved and a lot less homesick! So heres to many more amazing birthday’s in Honduras!

Hopefully some of my photos have made it one here for you to enjoy!!

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